SUITS created a roadmap of EU funding opportunities for small and medium sized cities interested to deploy sustainable transport infrastructure and will audit financing practices and approaches to sustainable financing not previously applied in transport, that could be used by local authorities as innovative ways to address obstacles with a view to ensure revenue funding to support capital investment, needed to support sustainable transport projects.

In addition, SUITS developed tailored solutions for each of the participating cities and produced Guidelines for innovative financing for small and medium sized local authorities, identifying different types and sizes of transport measures to enhance understanding of novel ways to better leverage and maximise funds (e.g. green bonds), and present arguments to investors and new business opportunities.

The Guidelines for innovative financing are available in the following languages:

de el  en es  it    lt  ro 

SUITS webinar on financing, procurement and business models for sustainable urban transport could be viewed here

The Guidelines on innovative financing is an integral part of the Integrated  Decision Support Tool. The IDS tool provides a suite of guidelines on innovative financing methods, innovative procurement of transport products and services and new bankable projects for transport.