Alba Iulia Municipality is a local public authority, which provides a democratic local government of the city of Alba Iulia.  Alba Iulia Municipality is a city of 63 000 inhabitants, and it is situated in the Centre Region of Romania on the right side of the Mures Valey.     The Development Strategy of Alba Iulia underlines the importance of the sustainable development of the local economy and improved quality of citizens’ life. This strategy has been the result of an important participatory phase, when citizens, City administration employees, businesses’ representatives, different institutions and local organizations, provided recommendations.

The strategy is based on the following premises, for the sustainable development of the city:

  • Improving quality of life;
  • Competitiveness and attracting investments;
  • Good local governance through the elected bodies and effective management;
  • Getting citizens’ support and involvement;
  • Flexibility of approach for better adaptability to future changes.