Turin is a city and an important business and cultural centre in northern Italy.  Turin is a node of the Ten-T corridor. Therefore, it will be more and more an interchange centre for people and for the delivery of goods. The challenge will be to ensure a growth that will be environmentally sustainable. For this reason, the City Government has approved several programmes including:

  • The Turin action Plan of Energy: this is a plan with 45 actions to achieve the aim to reduce the CO2 pollution of 20% by 2020
  • The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan: in this plan there are 7 address lines for sustainable and secure mobility
  • BICIPLAN: this plan regards the development and the growth of bike mobility
  • SMILE: in this plan there are 40 actions to converse Turin into a Smart City.

Furthermore, the city is working for a new delivery of goods plan that would be environmentally and economically sustainable.