The aim of the Civitas SUITS project is to increase the capacity of small-to-medium sized cities to plan and implement sustainable mobility. Working with our project cites, we identified 15 challenges cities have to cope with in this process. We claim that increasing the cities capacity in planning and implementing sustainable mobility will be reached by supporting them in these 15 operational fields.

Please support us validating the challenges by participating the short online survey

  1. INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION: Close cooperation between local and regional authorities and administrative bodies who are directly and indirectly involved in the development of sustainable mobility measures.
  2. INTERACTION AND COOPERATION WITH BUSINESS PARTNERS: Developing a precise understanding of business partners ́ requirements and capabilities, to jointly tailor services according to the users needs and the cities local conditions.
  3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: The participation of citizens includes informing citizens and involving them actively in planning processes.
  4. USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND DATA COLLECTION METHODS: The willingness to use innovative technologies, methods and tools for the effective and efficient collection of data and it ́s use for the planning and monitoring of mobility measures.
  5. APPLICATION OF RESEARCH KNOWLEDGE AND ADAPTION OF GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Inspiration through research knowledge and good practice examples and their application to individual problems, considering local context and framework conditions.
  6. UNDERSTANDING POLITICAL INTERESTS AND AFFECTING POLITICAL DECISIONS: Assessing political moods, cooperation with politicians and affecting political decisions through evidence and argument.
  7. UNDERSTANDING AND APPLYING INNOVATIVE FINANCING METHODS: Identification, adaption and application of alternative/ innovative financing methods for projects that go beyond the usual funding methods.
  8. INNOVATIVE PROCUREMENT: Consideration of sustainable principles in Procurement. Application of the new sustainability criteria, set out in the new directives (2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU) that have arisen as a result of the EU Procurement Reform.
  9. UNDERSTANDING LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK: Consideration of various legal and regulatory conditions which form the operational framework for the planning and implementation of measures.
  10. SYSTEMATIC STAFF DEPLOYMENT AND –DEVELOPMENT: Systematic further development of personnel. Broadening staffs’ knowledge and distribute their skills among the various projects. Deciding which competencies will be developed within the administration and what will be outsourced.
  11. ESTIMATING THE FEASIBILITY AND ACCEPTANCE OF MEASURES: Try out of innovative measures beforehand to gain a better understanding for upcoming problems and to be able to make predictions for workability and acceptance.
  12. SUSTAINABILITY THINKING: Anchoring sustainability principles in the basic principles and the philosophy of the administration. Internalising and applying sustainability principles in mobility planning.
  13. EFFECTIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING: Critical review and continuous optimization of project management and monitoring processes.
  14. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT / KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER: Becoming a learning organisation through enhancement and establishment of sustainable processes for knowledge management/knowledge transfer.
  15. IDENTIFICATION AND UTILIZATION OF SYNERGY EFFECTS: Recognizing and exploiting interactions between measures.

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