Prof. Andree Woodcock, the SUITS project Coordinator, is the newest Council Member of the European Network of Living Labs. Prof. Woodcock has a remarkable background and will bring a new perspective on transport and gender inclusivity issues to the Council table.

Andree will be representing Coventry University in the Council meetings and at the network. The University has joined ENoLL through the Coventry City Lab during the 5th membership wave in 2011.

When asked by ENoLL Council about her current work, Prof. Woodcock pointed to two subjects of her interest: transport and gender inclusivity. As the Coordinator two EU-funded projects; SUITS and TInnGO, both focusing on the topic of transport; The Sustainable Urban Integrated Transport Systems (SUITS) project is focusing on capacity-building in local authorities to support sustainable  transport measures. Citizen engagement is an important factor of the project, as the authorities are having difficulties of communicating the newest means of transport to the residents, while TInnGO – Transport Innovation Gender Observatory project, is working on the paradigm shift in gender and mobility. Women are underrepresented in the transport industries, there are only 22% in transport.


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