On 1st October 2020, 10:30 – 11:30, the session “Data-driven decision making tools for small and medium-sized cities” took place in UMD2020.
Questions on; how can data analysis be used as a tool to improve mobility and transport in cities; what are the benefits of collecting real traffic data, and what tools do small and medium-sized cities have to make to design and implement sustainable mobility measures based on scientific evidence, provided the fertile ground for insights and solutions.
The session shed light on these crucial issues drawing on the experience of the EU-funded SUITS project. Efficient and cheap technologies to collect mobility data in urban areas and discover new ways sustainable mobility measures be designed by building on data collection.
Cities that have successfully tested the technologies and realised the benefits of the data collection technologies within the SUITS project shared their first-hand experience. Furthermore, the session also featured contributions from the EU-funded WeCount and MOMENTUM projects.
Moderated by Frederic Rudolph, Wuppertal Institut, SUITS
The SUITS project organised the Multiplier Workshop: Building capacity and resilience in small and medium cities – Deploying SUITS transferable tools for sustainable mobility, on Friday 2nd October 2020, 11:30 – 13:00CET, at the Urban Mobility Days 2020, Digital Conference.
Read more..SUITS is organising a Multiplier Workshop: Building capacity and resilience in small and medium cities – Deploying SUITS transferable tools for sustainable mobility, on Friday 2nd October 2020, 11:30 – 13:00CET.
Read more..On 24th October in Valencia, the SUITS project organised the workshop entitled “Building small-medium Local Authorities’ capacity to implement emerging transport technologies”. Representatives from, the Las Naves innovation centre, the Packaging, Transport and Logistics Research Center (Spain); the Coventry University – the SUITS project coordinator, the West Midlands Transport Authority (UK); and the City Council of Kalamaria, Lever S.A. (Greece); promoted the implementation of smart, sustainable and integrated transport systems in their cities. Experts from partner organisations in the project, including the Valencia City Council, the Valencia City Bicycle Agency, the La Pinada neighbourhood initiative and the Pioneers into Practice (European Union Climate-KIC programme), supported this effort.
Read more..It was a highly successful event in Graz for the CIVITAS Forum 2019! In the end, 650 participants from 45 countries took part. They enjoyed 30 parallel sessions in which 150 presentations were held. Attendees could also visit an exhibition area with 40 exhibitors (SUITS was one of them) and enjoy 11 site visits.
On Thursday, 3 October, 15:15 –16:00, @SESSION 19b: Procurement and management of municipal fleets.
Read more..The 1st SUITS Multiplier Workshop “National and Urban Mobility Policy and Planning” will take place on Monday 11th November 2019, from 12:00 – 18:00.
The main focus of the discussion will be the vertical integration of sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs). Currently, the European Commission’s SUMP guidelines are being updated. The workshop will discuss their implementation in practice. With a focus on Germany, the workshop will also considerate, which measures are needed from what level of government to enable SUMP2.0 implementation and to enable a suitable mobility transition. It will thematise how a coordination between different levels of government can best be facilitated and the key priorities for municipalities with regard to support from other levels of government.
Read more..The SUITS webinar is designed to build and/or strengthen the capacity of small-medium cities’ Local Authorities to to introduce innovative transport schemes, i.e car-sharing, ridesharing (carpooling – vanpooling), bike – sharing, MaaS etc. The webinar is tailored to the needs of local authorities of small-medium cities and especially staff from the transport planning, strategical urban planning, urban development and procurement departments.
It will take place on June 13, 2019, 2:30 PM CEST. A prior registration is essential. If you are interested, please register here.
Read more..The SUITS Conference “Stimulating transport innovation through capacity building in small-medium local authorities” will take place on the 21st November 2018, from 09:00 to 17:30. at the Coventry Transport Museum, in Coventry, UK.
Read more..The importance of transport’s social dimension is becoming increasingly clear – mobility shapes lives and prospects. It is crucial that transport systems are environmentally friendly, inclusive, efficient, and centred on meeting diverse user needs. Yet how can this be accomplished?
Under the banner of “Mobility for U and Me”, this year’s CIVITAS Forum Conference gathered hundreds of policymakers, city representatives, academics, and practitioners in Umeå, Sweden, from 19-21 September to debate this critical question.
Read more..SUITS project will be present at the European Commission’s 5th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) will take place on 14-15 May in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Read more..On the 21st of December 2017 Regional Development Agency Centre – the Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Program at Centre Region level is organising the conference dedicated to the implementation of the CHESTNUT project – CompreHensive Elaboration of STrategic plaNs for sustainable Urban Transport financed by Interreg Danube Transnational Programme where Alba Iulia Municipality is partner.
Read more..The CIVITAS FORUM 2017 Conference will take place on 27-29 September 2017 in Torres Vedras, Portugal. In the context of the FORUM, which brings together the CIVITAS community from across Europe, the three CIVITAS SUMP projects – PROSPERITY, SUITS and SUMPs-Up – are jointly organising a World Café session, which will take place on 27 September 2017. The aim of this session is to bring together inspiring best practises of planning processes in small and mid-sized cities and thus inspire participants to discuss the wider economic benefits of SUMP investments beyond the city borders. The city of Kalamaria, partner in SUITS, will introduce the discussion on identifying knowledge gaps with regard to urban mobility and on sharing knowledge and good practices on the matter with other cities.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 690650.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SUITS project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.