On 24th October in Valencia, the SUITS project organised the workshop entitled “Building small-medium Local Authorities’ capacity to implement emerging transport technologies”. Representatives from, the Las Naves innovation centre, the Packaging, Transport and Logistics Research Center (Spain); the Coventry University – the SUITS project coordinator, the West Midlands Transport Authority (UK); and the City Council of Kalamaria, Lever S.A. (Greece); promoted the implementation of smart, sustainable and integrated transport systems in their cities. Experts from partner organisations in the project, including the Valencia City Council, the Valencia City Bicycle Agency, the La Pinada neighbourhood initiative and the Pioneers into Practice (European Union Climate-KIC programme), supported this effort.
A number of cross-cutting topics were discussed, such as the added-value of innovative transport technologies for small and medium-sized cities, the implementation roadmap for a city towards sustainable urban mobility plans, the identification of players and stakeholders, the tools and guidelines developed by the SUITS project.
The first part of the workshop reviewed progress in the ongoing organisational change aimed at enhancing the capacity of local authorities. A series of activities were also presented to support authorities at the implementation of emerging transport technologies; a tool for traffic data collection and analysis which includes a tool for the acquisition of traffic and freight data. The day closed on a session on innovative financing, procurement and business models for sustainable urban transport.