On the 21st of December 2017 Regional Development Agency Centre – the Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Program at Centre Region level is organising the conference dedicated to the implementation of the CHESTNUT project – CompreHensive Elaboration of STrategic plaNs for sustainable Urban Transport financed by Interreg Danube Transnational Programme where Alba Iulia Municipality is partner.

Alba Iulia Municipality and Integral Consulting R&D (both members of SUITS – Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools for authorities – project consortium), will present the SUITS project to the conference audience.  The purpose of this activity is two-fold:  on one hand to disseminate but as well communicate to the stakeholders the useful innovative instruments developed by SUITS. These tools would serve the local authorities in Romania, complementary to the CHESTNUT project. Integral Consulting will present the guidelines for the innovative public procurement in transportation, potential financial instruments and new business models to be used for actions of the SUMP which is to be adopted at local level. Both, SUITS and CHESTNUT projects, address urban challenges related to transportation to be tackled based on the Sustainable mobility plans of the cities and innovative instruments within the Functional Urban Area of Alba Iulia.

Among the participants of the conference are representatives of the County Council Alba, of the local authorities at Alba Iulia FUA level, of the Local Police, of the Public Transportation Society Alba Iulia, of the Local Agency for Energy Alba, of the Intercommunity Association for Development Alba Iulia – Local Transportation and representatives of the municipality of Alba Iulia from different departments such as Investments, Public Procurement, the smart city team and others.

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