The SUITS project developed a suite of learning materials (Capacity Building Program) for decision makers and planners in small and medium sized cities to address knowledge gaps and misconceptions related to urban planning measures and to the deployment of innovative mobility solutions and technologies. The learning materials were provided in webinars, as on-line documents and transmitted via workshops and multiplier events.

Capacity Building Program (CBP)

The aim of the CBP is to:

  • Increase the capacity of small-medium Local Authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognise the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight.
  • Support small-medium Local Authorities in developing SUMPs by transforming them into learning organisations
  • Make transport departments resilient and responsive to new challenges and changes.

The direct beneficiaries of the CBP are (a) policy makers and Heads of Departments in local authorities, (b) planners and middle level staff and (c) junior engineers and designers working in local authorities.

SUITS project developed a robust Capacity Small-Medium Program, with a set of four (4) fully coherent Modules; each one consisting of the following three major parts:

  1. Instructions to deliver a course (facilitator guide),
  2. Presentation that facilitator can use in the classroom (classroom presentation), and
  3. Workbook to be printed & distributed to the participants (participants’Workbook)

Module 1: Implementation of emerging transport technologies

Facilitator Guide (English)

Classroom presentation (English)

Participants Workbook is available in the following languages:

de el en es  it pt ro

Module 2: Introduction of innovative transport schemes

Facilitator Guide (English)

Classroom presentation (English)

Participants’ Workbook is available in the following languages:

de el  en es it pt ro

Module 3: Implementation of urban transport safety & security measures

Facilitator Guide (English)

Classroom presentation (English)

Participants’ Workbook is available in the following languages:

de el en  es it pt ro

Module 4: Implementation of urban freight transport measures

Facilitator Guide (English)

Classroom presentation (English) 

Participants’ Workbook is available in the following languages:

de el en es it pt ro

Module 5 & Module 6 are webinars and could be viewed here

For a detailed insight on the process followed to develop SUITS Capacity Building Programme, you could read the Introductory Document of the Integrated Subject Module and facilitator’s guide